There was an old laser printer which I had to make use of recently. It was a monotone Brother HL-2130 printer. I found a solution for Debian (but not yet for Arch).
Let's face it. Printers are sometimes hard to get right on linux. I had luck for some ink printers, but this one was not being tamed so easily. I tried many things on Arch Linux, but failed on each one. Fortunately I found a script from Brother themselves and it supports DEB and RPM based distros. I had a Debian testing installation lying around, so I tried it there and it worked on first try! Amazing!
3. gunzip the file:
Every other questions are easy to answer. Usually just agreeing to license agreements etc.
Eventually it should be installed and ready to use.
You will find "HL2130" printer on the print dialog.
Let's face it. Printers are sometimes hard to get right on linux. I had luck for some ink printers, but this one was not being tamed so easily. I tried many things on Arch Linux, but failed on each one. Fortunately I found a script from Brother themselves and it supports DEB and RPM based distros. I had a Debian testing installation lying around, so I tried it there and it worked on first try! Amazing!
Installation steps:
1. Install cups:sudo apt install cups2. Connect the printer and Download the script from here:
3. gunzip the file:
gunzip linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.1-1.gz4. Login as root and run the script:
sudo -sWhen asked for model name I entered HL-2130:
bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.1-1
Input model name ->HL-2130When asked for Device URI, I entered "n" (no) because I was using USB connection:
Will you specify the Device URI? [Y/n] ->nIf you have other type of connection choose accordingly.
Every other questions are easy to answer. Usually just agreeing to license agreements etc.
Eventually it should be installed and ready to use.
You will find "HL2130" printer on the print dialog.
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