The other day I found a wonderful project called Codeception. It it MIT licensed, powered by PHP and has the ability to run tests on a headless virtual browser to see if some expected output came in. We can use this feature to test many things we want. For example, if you always have to test a search page, checkout page, add to cart feature etc., with Codeception you can create a bunch of commands to test these automatically. Your job then is to run these tasks and to see if they are successful. Testing is that easy!
This gives you peace of mind and a comparable test every time.
Moreover, it has special integrations for testing Laravel, WordPress, Joomla, Symfony, Yii, Zend websites. For example, it can test with an admin user for a specific output. Cool, isn't it?!
It is built on top PHPUnit so it can also do unit testing.
I tried this on my Arch Linux install, but should work on other platforms too (Win/Mac/Linux/ARM7hf).
- Composer
- Firefox (may not be absolutely necessary - did not test without it)
- and the rest of the things, we'll just install on the way...
Steps for testing
Go on your htdocs or www folder and create a folder. Go into that folder and open a terminal there, and run:
composer require "codeception/codeception" --dev
This will take some time. Then run:
./vendor/bin/codecept init acceptance
Choose your favorite browser. I chose firefox.
Enter the url for the website you want to test. I entered
Then I changed "WebDriver" to "PhpBrowser" on codeception.yml. This is to run the tests without setting up Selenium Server. This is an overkill for my simple tests, so I ignored it. If you need it, go ahead and set the thing up and continue.
./vendor/bin/codecept generate:cest acceptance First
nano tests/acceptance.suite.yml
actor: AcceptanceTester modules: enabled: - PhpBrowser: url: {YOUR APP'S URL} - \Helper\Acceptance
I entered in place of {YOUR APP'S URL}.
nano tests/acceptance/FirstCest.php
class FirstCest
public function myTest(AcceptanceTester $I)
$I->wantTo('test my page');
$I->amOnPage('/'); // go to
$I->see('Learn'); // see if the page has the word "Learn" in it
Go to and get the binary for your OS+architecture. For example, I downloaded Linux 64 bit. Extract and execute the binary on a terminal:
./geckodriver &
It will start a server on port 4444 so that PhpBrowser can test the output in a virtual browser.
To run the tests, just run:
./vendor/bin/codecept run --steps
It should show output like this:
Then I tried:
class FirstCest
public function myTest(AcceptanceTester $I)
$I->wantTo('test my page');
public function searchTest(AcceptanceTester $I)
$I->wantTo('test search');
// we submit the form with a "test" search
$I->submitForm('.js-site-search-form', array('q' => 'test'));
Then again:
./vendor/bin/codecept run --steps
A sample output will be like this:
When done, I terminated the server with:
killall geckodriver
For testing WordPress installs check this link.
Have a good time with testing!
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